DucoWall Door

DucoWall Door 20Z, 50S, 50Z, 70S, 70V, 90S are louvre doors, applicable with louvre blades 20Z, 50S, 50Z, 70S, 70V and 90S for outside turning doors (both single and double doors). The inside turning door is only applicable with louvre blades 50S and 50Z and only as a single door.

Doors can be placed in the louvre wall compliant with standard measurements. A standard single door has a usefull width of 900 mm x (±) 2200 mm (depending on the louvre height). Standard double doors have a usefull width of 1800 mm x (±) 2200 mm (depending on the louvre height).
Other dimensions are available on request.

The required sightline:
For a single outside turning door
  20Z, 50S, 50Z, 70S en 70V: usefull width + 153 mm.
90S: usefull width + 186 mm.
For a single, inside turning door:
  50S en 50Z: usefull width + 208 mm.
For double doors:
  20Z, 50S, 50Z, 70S en 70V: usefull width + 306 mm.
90S: usefull width + 372 mm
